Arts & Culture
Get your hand in - with a puppetry masterclass!

It’s your chance to get your hand in, with the launch of a puppetry masterclass at the Shoebox Theatre.

There are now only three places left for this one-day workshop on the 18 February (10am – 4pm).

The event will give an understanding of the principles of hand and rod puppetry including; manipulation of mouth and arms, character creation, interaction with other puppets, and basic puppetry techniques.

Hand and rod puppetry techniques are well-known from Jim Henson’s ‘The Muppets’ and is great fun to learn. The course is suitable for beginners and professional performers, over the age of 18, who want to learn a more complex puppetry skill and continue to learn the principles of puppetry.

Course leader Bee Daws is an experienced puppeteer and puppet maker, specialising in hand and rod puppetry and Bunraku puppets. As well as receiving training from War Horse’s Tom Morris and Toby Olié, Little Angel Theatre and Blind Summit Theatre - Bee was taught by ‘Fly in a pie’ founder Marc Parrett and is training in puppet building skills with Peter Pullon. She also studied Theatre Directing at the University of Falmouth and works as regular practitioner for the Shoebox Theatre. Places cost £30.

Book here if you are interested