Arts & Culture
Edge of greatness?  We chat to All Ears Avow about their latest release

Swindon based four piece rock group All Ears Avow have just released their third EP Edge of This into the world, and it’s really making waves, so we decided to grab lead singer and guitarist Claire Sutton for a chat.

So what’s the best part of the new EP for you guys?

For us, it’s that the whole thing doesn’t have a weak track. We think we’ve really upped our game on the songwriting for this release. It’s normally really easy to choose which songs should be singles but this time we found it really hard which is obviously a good thing.

I don’t think we’ve ever had so much fun performing as we have with these songs, which comes across in our shows and gets the audience vibe up as well.

How was the recording process? Anything changed?

We’re still recording everything ourselves so not much has changed really but we did go to a really nice studio in Cheltenham to track and get into a good vibe.

In the past when we’ve got into recording, we’re often recording songs that haven’t been 100 percent finished - like the lyrics/vocals aren’t usually complete.

Then we’ll add quite a lot of extra stuff once we’ve got into the mixing stage. But this time everything was pretty much nailed down by the time we got recording so it was actually way more enjoyable than usual.

We could just really get into the playing and performance of it all rather than worrying about whether the songs would actually get finished at all. It was a much better head space to be in.

Plans for taking the EP out to the wide world?

The EP is available world wide across digital download/streaming platforms, but we are looking at getting ourselves out to Europe. Watch this space!

Where do you guys see yourself currently on the musical path? On the brink of breaking down the door or just keeping to the course?

For us, it’s just about keeping on doing what we do - working hard, touring and writing new music that we love. We don’t really think anyone ever knows definitively that they’re on the brink of something until they look back in hindsight.

And in our experience opportunities come pretty out of the blue. So it’s just about putting yourself out there so that you can pick up on them when they do come around.

Grab your copy of Edge of This on Spotify, iTunes or via

All Ears Avow will also be headlining this month’s Night of the Ocelot on Thursday May 25 at The Vic in Swindon. To find out the details see our story here