The Ocelot chats with Darkroom Espresso Cycling Club

Usually when looking into activities I like to get involved - it makes for a more honest article, I find. This month my job was pretty much done for me, and I doubt too many people would be interested in reading about my experience on a bike - to cut it short it would involve fag breaks, breaks in general, probably some melodramatic complaining, and getting lost in the countryside. Stephen Jordan is Darkroom Espresso Cycling Club’s Chairman and has essentially created a social club for people who enjoy cylcing, starting with 4 people and two years later expanding to 50 members. Asking if I fancied getting involved I confessed that I’m more of a bread in the basket kind of cycler, as opposed to long distance. Stephen simply remarked that I don’t strike him as the athletic type - not sure how to take that, but it’s a very fair point. As opposed to saddling up I fired some questions over to him to find out what this Swindon-based club is all about. What was the initial idea behind the club? To create a relaxed, sociable road ride where people didn’t feel any pressure to keep up or get dropped. We also don’t insist people sit in a tight pack like most road clubs - that can make a lot of beginners feel nervous. We just want people to feel relaxed and enjoy being on the bike Do you have specific routes you use? We now have built up about 30 different routes covering four different counties (Wiltshire, Gloucestershire, Berkshire, Oxfordshire). One of the routes is just 35 miles and covers three counties. Is it hard-core cycling, or are there any nice days out with picnics? There are a lot of clubs out there that focus on hard core cycling. We just like to take it easy and enjoy a nice lunch stop half way round. How was it decided to merge with Darkroom Espresso? When I first started at Darkroom, as I cycled and people were allowed to bring bikes into the shop it was suggested by Will (owner of Darkroom Espresso) that it would be a good idea to have cycle rides leaving from the shop and the club grew out of that. As a member do you get free coffee? Sadly not but the club loves having the shop as a club house where they can enjoy a pre ride coffee before setting off. It is something that makes our club very unique as most other clubs meet in car parks. Why would you encourage people to saddle up? So many reasons. It gives you a real sense of freedom - I’ve seen some truly wonderful areas/views that I wouldn’t have seen if I didn’t cycle. It gets you fit - I have personally lost four stone since I started cycling and have made so many amazing friends. I view my club mates as a second family. How has being part of the club benefitted you? Having people to cycle with makes exercise fun and we all have a great laugh. But for me personally as co-founder and Chairman it has presented me with a lot of challenges that I would have never come across otherwise and I’ve done many things I never thought I’d do (design a cycling kit). Do you enjoy wearing lycra? Yes or no, I wanna know why. Haha yes, it makes cycling easier. Shorts come fitted with special pads to make cycling longer distances easier and the right kit will also help to keep you cool/warm dependent on the weather. However being the relaxed club we are we don’t mind if people want to turn up in more casual bike wear, whatever works for people. Anything else you want to share with Ocelot readers? I’ve had a few people tell me how finding the club and learning to love cycling has helped to  make them happier and healthier and I always love returning  the benefits that cycling gave to me. So if people fancy giving cycling a go why not turn up one Sunday at 9:30am and give it a go, there will always be a warm welcome. On the clubs first ever ride we had four people and now two years on we are a British Cycling affiliated Club with over 50 paid up members, with about 15 people a week on our rides. Never did I think it would grow to this and I am very grateful for the clubs success and how willing our members are to give up their time to help the club grow. [gallery td_select_gallery_slide=“slide” td_gallery_title_input=“Darkroom Espresso Cycling Club” ids=“40743,40740,40742”] Check out the club’s Facebook page @darkroomcycleclub The club meets every Sunday morning at Darkroom Espresso, or Thursday evenings - 11 Faringdon Rd, Swindon SN1 5AR.

  • The Ocelot chats with Darkroom Espresso Cycling Club
  • The Ocelot chats with Darkroom Espresso Cycling Club
  • The Ocelot chats with Darkroom Espresso Cycling Club
  • The Ocelot chats with Darkroom Espresso Cycling Club
  • The Ocelot chats with Darkroom Espresso Cycling Club