Arts & Culture

The Story Museum hands over the reins to a group of Oxford teens for a very special story-filled event, November 24.

Once again The Story Museum is being taken over by a group of teens who have put together an event of magical mythical mystery.

Visitors to The Story Museum can experience an afternoon of fun including a thrilling interactive drama performance, a space full of clues and mysteries, a special code breaking and magic tour and the chance to join in with some creative crafting.

There is sure to be plenty of enjoyment and excitement as families throughout Oxford get to experience The Story Museum as seen through the imagination of the young people who’ve have worked so hard to put together this very special event.

Free entry, perfect for all ages and a great chance to explore The Story Museum’s exhibitions - this is one adventure that visitors won’t want to miss out on!

Malik Salamatian, one of the young people involved in organising the event said: “This event has been one of the most fun things ever and I can’t wait to see what everyone things. We’re so proud of what we’ve done and are looking forward to you coming along!”

For further information, click here.