Your how-to guide to excel at the latest lifestyle trend: pantsdrunk

It’s a safe bet that anything that comes from the Scandi regions will be snapped up quickly back in Britain - the hype of hygge being the leading example here.

In a nutshell hygge is all about living well and comfortably - indulging in shared comforting meals, curling up with warm drinks whilst wrapped in a blanket - to the point where you acknowledge a certain feeling of serenity and wellness and proceed to bask in it. Meanwhile in Finland a new lifestyle trend has wandered over by means of a new book Pantsdrunk: Kalsarikanni: The Finnish Path to Relaxation - it’s the same sort of concept the Danes have gone for but instead it’s all “drinking at home, alone, in your underwear”. Please welcome ‘päntsdrunk’. The act is actually entitled ‘kalsarikänni’ but through the process of anglicization has been introduced to the UK as ‘päntsdrunk’, and in reality it’s something most people have been doing and excelling at for years, except now it has an official title - and granted a meaningful agenda. It states early on that “Getting wasted is NOT the goal” but snack wise “Think candy, crunchy, crispy” which includes cheese, ready-made pizza, pasta with pesto (hola), and potato chips. Being a Finnish trend päntsdrunk doesn’t quite grasp the same connotations as someone in Britain would have it translated - I think the idea is that it’s less tragic and more empowering for those home alone of an evening. In a simple analysis it’s a win for the introverts and shameless slobs of the world, but also for people like myself - hella broke (and also prone to slobbery) - but enjoying the experience rather than wallowing in it. In some respects it’s suggestively another night of ‘Netflix and Chill’, without the ‘chill’ I presume. Basically, it sounds like my hangover routine with the removal of needing to vomit and desire to want to kill myself because of my actions the night before that were in every way self-inflicted. Päntsdrunk is taking the anti the approach towards hygge as it’s too “glossy”, and lagom which is the Nordic term for “just right” (in a nutshell) but according to the Fins doesn’t allow you to get too ‘silly’. What we are seemingly left with is a fullfilling evening on the sofa, in your pants, drunk but actually embracing the independence of the act. I’m in. To reach the higher levels of knowing what it truly means to sit in your pants drunk, read the book - Pantsdrunk: Kalsarikanni: The Finnish Path to Relaxation by Miska Rantanen.

  • Your how-to guide to excel at the latest lifestyle trend: pantsdrunk