Running out of time

A blog by Jamie Hill

I’m out of time. As I’m writing this, I’ve got less than three weeks to go until the Birmingham Marathon on October 15.

On the right is a building that resembles a large scouring pad. That large scouring pad is going to be my goal as it’s at the finish line for the marathon. I’ve never wanted to see a large scouring pad more in my life. The scouring pad in question is the Bullring in Birmingham and when I next see it I will have run just over 26 miles. My legs will be jelly. I’ll be hallucinating doughnuts and I will be collapsing in its shadow. I’ve got to admit, I don’t enjoy running. I did. But then I stupidly decided to do this marathon and I have been exhausted for months on end. Last weekend I ran 21 miles. I’ve never found anything as hard as that before in my life. I was a physical wreck. And I’ve got to run 22 miles this weekend coming as my last long training run. I would have run this by the time you read this. Pain is now my middle name. It’s not completely certain that I will be able to find the energy to complete an extra four miles for the marathon on top of that. I’m not going to know until the day. And all of this for a charity that has done more for my life than any other organisation has ever done. All of this for ICP Support who support the countless pregnant women who suffer intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy, which can lead to premature or even stillbirth as the liver stops functioning properly in pregnancy. All of this because I don’t know if my three children would be here without them. I owe them a lot. All of this for them. If you would like to sponsor me you can chuck money at: www.justgiving.com/fundraising/james-hill36

  • Running out of time